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English-Hindi > flying arch

flying arch meaning in Hindi

flying arch sentence in Hindi

तिर्यक् चाप
flying    उड़ान उडता तिकोण
arch    चाप चापाकार में
1.Flying arches may be provided to retain these side walls.

2.Flying arches are not a common solution to railway cuttings.

3.Among the most popular was Ellsworth Kelly's " Untitled, " a stainless-steel wall sculpture from 1986 in the shape of a flying arch.

4.Like the flying arch, the inverted arch is not used to support a load, as for a bridge, but rather to resist sideways, inwards loads.

5.Among the best of the collection was Ellsworth Kelly's " Untitled, " ( 1986 ), a stainless-steel wall sculpture from 1986 in the shape of a flying arch.

6.Flying arches were often used, as at Llansamlet, where an initial cutting of gentle slopes was later considered to be unreliably stable and the arches were then added as a safety measure.

How to say flying arch in Hindi and what is the meaning of flying arch in Hindi? flying arch Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.